We provide opportunities for members of the Society come together to meet in Hong Kong and other parts of the world and discuss on quantitative history for making a contribution to quantitative history. It organises workshops and summer school programs for undergraduate and postgraduates students who have strong interest in quantitative historical research, and also arrange history talks which are open to everyone.
We are dedicated to promoting, supporting, and enhancing the advancement of education, in particular research and knowledge dissemination in quantitative history, in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.
Our community comprises university faculty, teachers, students and researchers who are interested in the field of economic history.
Chair Professor of Finance and Cheng Yu-Tung Professor in Finance, HKU Business School, Director, Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor of Economic History, Oxford Centre for Economic and Social History and All Souls College
Associate Professor of Economics, HKU Business School
Associate Professor, Institute of Qing History, School of History, Renmin University of China
Thank you, James K. S. Kung, Founding Director
Professor James K. S. Kung was an original founding board member of the International Society for Quantitative History. James decided to move away from the board with his new appointment at the University of Melbourne. James has provided much-appreciated support to the Society, and his wise counsel and advice will be missed.
The International Society for Quantitative History (ISFQH) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting, supporting, and enhancing the advancement of education, in particular research and knowledge dissemination in quantitative history, in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.