12:00 | Thursday, May 25, 2023
Lecture Hall, May Hall, HKU
講座以普通話進行 Conducted in Mandarin
Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University
晚清徽州農工中的性別與身份 —— 以黟縣汪氏賬簿為核心的研究
Examining the Gender and Identity of Agricultural Workers in Late Qing Anhui: A Study Using the Wang Family Account Book from Yi County (Hybrid lecture in Mandarin)
In this Quantitative History Lecture, Professor Kaixiang Peng from Wuhan University's School of Economics and Management presents his research on the gender and identity of agricultural workers in late Qing Anhui. Using the Wang family account book from Yi County (or Yixian), Professor Peng analyzes the employment of agricultural workers in traditional rural areas, focusing on the work account in the Wang family documents from the four towns of Yi County during the late Qing period.
To establish the authenticity of the account book, Professor Peng first confirmed that it was written by a landlord Wang Fojin, who engaged in both agriculture and animal husbandry. He then cross-referenced it with a series of other documents, such as the Wang family's account book on seedling pigs, lime invoices, and letters. Based on the records of work types in the account book, Professor Peng studied the rhythms of local agricultural production and corresponding employment activities. He demonstrates, through classification statistics, that women had a relatively high proportion of employment in various agricultural jobs, and that there was no significant difference in wages between male and female workers. These findings significantly surpass the existing understanding in the literature.
Additionally, Professor Peng elaborates in detail on the significance of stable social and economic relationships, such as tenancy and kinship, on the Wang family's daily employment. He explains how commercial and reciprocal relationships were unified in the Wang family's management.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Lecture Hall, May Hall, HKU
Kaixiang Peng 彭凱翔
講座以普通話進行 Conducted in Mandarin
As the city gets beyond the pandemic, we have resumed in-person events in partnership with the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Science and the Center for Quantitative History at The University of Hong Kong.
The International Society for Quantitative History (ISFQH) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting, supporting, and enhancing the advancement of education, in particular research and knowledge dissemination in quantitative history, in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.